WAN Module Installation and User Guide
Configuring WAN Physical Links
alarm generation and detection is both. To configure yellow alarms, use the following
config ports <portlist> t1 yellow [detection | generation | both | off]
WAN Port Configuration Commands
Table 2-1 describes the commands used to configure a WAN port.
Table 2-1: WAN Port Configuration Commands
config ports <portlist> t1 cablelength [
[133 | 266 | 399 | 533 | 655] feet
| [0 | -7.5 | -15 | -22.5] db]
Specifies the transmitter level for the
cablelength attached to the T1 port. The
default is 133 feet.
config ports <portlist> t3 cablelength [249 |
900] feet
Specifies the transmitter level for the
cablelength attached to the T3 port. The
default is 249 feet.
config ports <portlist> [t1 | e1 | t3] clock source
[internal | line]
Specifies the clock source used for
transmission. The default setting is line.
config ports <portlist> t1 fdl [off | att | ansi]
Specifies the facilities data link (FDL) format for
the port. You cannot use FDL with SF framing.
config ports <portlist> t1 framing [esf | sf]
Specifies the framing type. The default setting
for T1 is esf, Extended Super Frame (ESF).
If sf, Super Frame (SF), is chosen for T1, set
yellow alarm detection to off, since a yellow
alarm can be incorrectly detected with SF
config ports <portlist> e1 framing [crc4 |
Specifies the framing type. The default setting
for E1 is crc4.
config ports <portlist> t3 framing [c-bit | m13]
Specifies the framing type. The default setting
for T3 is c-bit.
config ports <portlist> t1 lbdetect [off | inband]
Enables and disables the T1 port to respond to
loopback requests from the remote end. The
default setting is off.
config ports <portlist> t1 linecode [b8zs | ami]
Sets the linecoding for T1 ports. The default
setting is b8zs.
config ports <portlist> e1 receivergain [-12 |
-43] db
Specifies the receiver gain level for an E1 link.
config ports <portlist> [t1 | e1 | t3] snmp alert
[enable | disable]
Enables and disables SNMP alerts. The default
setting is enabled.