Changing Inventory Manager
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Changing Inventory Manager
If you are using Inventory Manager, you must change the Data Storage Directory
path to point to the new location on the engine. The Data Storage Directory is
where all Inventory Manager data is stored, including capacity planning reports,
configuration templates, archived configurations, and property files.
1. Open Management Center and select Administration > Options > Inventory Manager.
2. Select Directory Path in the Data Storage section of the tab.
3. Change the path to the correct new location.
On a default Linux install, the path is:
4. Click OK.
Changing Engine Settings
Use these steps if you need to change your Extreme Management Center engine
settings following your initial engine configuration.
Changing Basic Network Configuration
To change basic network configuration settings such as hostname and engine IP
address, enter the following command at the engine CLI:
This starts the network configuration script and allows you to make the required
changes. Reboot the engine for the new settings to take effect.
Changing SNMP Configuration
To change SNMP configuration settings such as system contact, system
location, Trap Server, SNMP Trap Community String, SNMP User, SNMP
Authentication, and SNMP Privacy credentials, enter the following command at
the engine CLI: