Basic Access Point Configuration
AP-8432 Installation Guide
Navigation Panel
for the Typical Setup Wizard displays the basic configuration
A green checkmark to the left of an item in the
Navigation Panel
defines the task as
having its minimum required configuration set correctly. A red X defines a task as still
requiring at least one parameter be defined correctly.
6 Select
within each page to save the updates made to that page's
configuration. Select
to proceed to the next page listed in the Navigation Panel
without saving your updates.
For the purposes of this guide, use the
Typical Setup (Recommended)
option to simplify
the process of getting the Access Point up and running quickly with a minimum number
of changes to the Access Point’s default configuration.
For information on using the Access Point’s Advanced Setup option, refer to the
Access Point System Reference Guide
to familiarize yourself with the feature set
supported by the WiNG operating system. The guide is available at
To configure the Access Point using the Typical Setup Wizard:
7 Select
Typical Setup
from the
Choose One type to Setup the Access Point
field on the
Initial Setup Wizard.
8 The Typical Setup Wizard displays the
Access Point Settings
screen to define the Access
Point's Standalone versus Virtual Controller AP functionality. This screen also enables
selection of the country of operation for the Access Point.
While you can navigate to any page in the navigation panel, you cannot
complete the Initial AP Setup Wizard until each task in the Navigation Panel
has a green checkmark.