Deploy the ExtraHop Explore 5100 Appliance
4. Connect the power cords.
Connect the two supplied power cords to the power supplies on the back of the appliance.
5. Plug the power cords into a power outlet. If the appliance does not power on automatically, press the
power button on the front of the appliance.
Configure an IP address
DHCP is enabled by default on the ExtraHop appliance. When you power on the appliance, interface 1
attempts to acquire an IP address through DHCP. If successful, the IP address appears on the home screen of
the LCD. If an IP address has not been configured, the LCD displays
If your network does not support DHCP, you can configure a static IP address through the LCD menu on the
front panel or through the command-line interface (CLI).
Configure a static IP address through the CLI
You can access the CLI by connecting a USB keyboard and SVGA monitor to the appliance or through an
RS-232 serial cable and a terminal-emulator program. The terminal emulator must be set to 115200 bps with
8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1), and hardware flow control should be disabled.
1. Establish a connection to the ExtraHop appliance.
2. At the login prompt, type
and then press ENTER.
3. At the password prompt, type the service tag number found on the pullout tab on the front of the
appliance, and then press ENTER.
4. Enable privileged commands by running the following command:
5. At the password prompt, type the service tag number, and then press ENTER.
6. Enter configuration mode by running the following command:
7. Enter the interface configuration mode by running the following command:
8. Run the
command and specify the IP address and DNS settings in the following format:
ip ipaddr
<ip_address> <netmask> <gateway> <dns_server>
For example:
extrahop[EXA](config-if)# ip ipaddr