DO700-en-GB_v2.3 3/15
Conductivity Measurement, Calibration, and Maintenance Considerations
The meter and probe are calibrated before leaving the factory; the user can take measurements
immediately upon receiving the unit.
The recommend calibration period is once per month under normal circumstances; It is
necessary to calibrate a newly purchased conductivity electrode or one that has been in service
for a long period of time.
Keep the conductivity electrode clean. It’s best to rinse electrodes with the sample solution.
The surface of the supplied conductivity electrode is plated with a layer of platinum (black) in
order to lower the electrode polarization and increase the measuring range. Do not polish the
black platinum surface; clean it by stirring in Distilled water. If excessive organic buildup appears
on the black platinum coating clean with hot water and detergent or with alcohol.
Replace the electrode if the above cleaning methods are ineffective.
Reset the meter to its factory default settings (Parameter P9) if unusual operation is noticed. If
the reset process does not solve the issue, return the unit for an evaluation.