EX-9133C-2-MTCP User Manual
EX-9133C-2-MTCP • Manual Version 1.0.1 • 201016
Login Password
For security and management issues, you may setup the “Login Password”.
This administration password uses to login converter parameter setting pages. It
may be empty or up to 15 characters long.
O Port 1 (RS-232)
This converter device model provides one serial port as RS-232 interface for
connecting the extension serial device.
Local Port
Socket Mode
Remote IP & Port
This converter devoice provides one socket connection port.
Port number
A socket port assigned for the serial port. It’s a 16-bit numbers,
ranging from 1 to 65535. Because the numbers below 1000 are used for
specific purposes (e.g. 80 is for HTTP protocol), we suggest you use
the numbers larger than
. Generally the port number 4660 is used
for the serial communication. However you should specify different
port number for each serial port.
Socket type
Modbus TCP Server: Modbus TCP protocol, passive open, to be
connected from the Modbus TCP clients.
Remote IP address
The server IP address and socket port would be connected in Modbus
TCP Client mode for a certain serial port .
Remote socket port
The server socket port would be connected in Modbus TCP Client
mode for a certain serial port.
Interface of serial I/O
TxD, RxD for data stream, no flow control
TxD, RxD for data stream, RTS/CTS for flow