mentioned. When the parameter is set to a value from -50 to 50, Z no longer affects the tuning, and
the parameter value is used as a fine tune control, in cents. Z then becomes a sync input: when Z
goes over approximately 1V, the VCO phase is reset to zero, which can produce 'oscillator sync'
MIDI Input
: MIDI note messages received on the MIDI channel set in the Settings are converted to
a CV which is added to that on input X. The 0V note is 48 (C3). MIDI notes also drive the 'MIDI
gate' output option.
C-1 Counter
X is clock input
Y is reset input
A and B are clock outputs
Z press resets to step 1
Parameter Min Max Default
Sets the number of steps.
This algorithm is a utility to allow proper syncing of hardware sequencers which inexplicably have
a clock input but no reset input. The algorithm takes a clock and a reset, and outputs a clock. When
it receives a reset, it generates a rapid burst of extra clocks to move the connected sequencer back to
its first step.
Parameter 0 sets the number of steps. Match this to the connected sequencer.
The display shows the current step number.
To synchronise the connected sequencer with the input clock/reset, first stop the clock. Manually
advance the sequencer to its first step, and press Z on the disting to reset the step to 1. Then when
you start the clock the sequencer should stay in step, and stay in step when you subsequently stop
and restart the clock.
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