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Thank you for purchasing the finest sine-wave inverter in the power
conversion industry. Exeltech's journey to excellence includes the
first affordable sine-wave inverter, first modular inverter system, first
N+1 redundant inverter system, and the cleanest sine-wave output
in the industry. Exeltech strives to manufacture products of the
hi ghe st pos si bl e qua lity and is ded ica ted to 100 % cu st om er
satisfaction. Proudly built in the USA with American parts, Exeltech
is committed to TL 9000 standards and beyond, adding people and
procedur es cont inual ly to further improve qual ity and cust omer
service. We welcome you as a customer to the Exeltech family.
Exeltech’s XP series inverters provide the cleanest, best regulated sine-wave
output over the widest DC input of any inverter on the market today.
They are extremely low in total harmonic distortion; specified to 2%, and
typically better than 1.5%. Total harmonic distortion is typically 0.8 to
0.9%. Remaining distortion is a result of residual switching noise,
which amounts to a very clean 25 KHZ sine-wave superimposed on
the fundamental output. No significant harmonics of 25 KHZ exist.
This spectral purity will exist over the inverter's entire operating
envelope, including non-linear and reactive loads. As long as peak
output current remains less than 300% of rated current, total harmonic
distortion will remain within the 2% spec. Peak current capability of the
inverter is key to understanding it's operational envelope. As long as
the inverter is supplying less than this amount, it will function properly
and operate virtually any load.
Many inverters are rated in Volt-Amps (VA), as opposed to Watts.
This is in an attempt to make an inverter or UPS (Uninterruptible
Power Supply) appear larger than it really is. The only fair way to