User Manual
For more informa�on about the error, and what to do about it, open the logs within one of the
programming & diagnos�c tools.
2.2 Ba�ery charging
Figure 29: Ba�ery charging chase sequence
Figure 30: The status indicator
If, when powered up, there is an error with the system, then the status
indicator will flash red. The number of flashes will indicate the type of
error. These are described in the table below.
Flash code
Error descrip�on
Remote / joys�ck error
Network or configura�on error
Le� motor error
Right motor error
Le� park brake error
Right park brake error
Module error (other than Remote)
3 Error indica�on
Plug the ba�ery charger into the Remote's XLR
The Ba�ery Gauge will indicate the system is
being charged by cycling between a le�-to-right
chase sequence, and then displaying the
approximate ba�ery charge state at the end of
the chase sequence.
Driving is prevented (inhibited) while the system
is being charged.
The LE system does not have to be powered up
when charging the ba�ery, however, if it is not
powered up, then the ba�ery gauge will not
display the charging state/ chase sequence.
The maximum charging current for the LiNX LE System is 6A.
The wheelchair manufacturer must specify an appropriate battery charger for the batteries used in the
The wheelchair manufacturer must also specify the maximum current of any battery chargers to be used with the
controller and warn against using battery chargers of higher current ratings.
The battery charger must have over-current protection in the form of a non-resettable fuse.
It is the responsibility of the wheelchair manufacturer to manage the risks of battery over-charging and any
related gas emissions.
To protect the wheelchair wiring from over currents while charging the batteries, chargers must have the ability
to reduce their current output when electrically shorted.