2 .0 S afety
2.2 Responsibility of the
owner and processor
The device is designed for use in commercial applications
by its owner or processor.
The processor is the contracting partner of the reseller or
the manufacturer. The processor installs the device in a
complete system (application).
The owner or processor of the system is therefore subject to
the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
In addition to the safety instructions in this manual, the
owner or processor must do the following, concerning safety
and accident prevention guidelines and environmental pro-
tection regulations, applicable to the site of the system’s
• Inform themselves of applicable industrial safety regula-
tions. They must also determine additional hazards that
arise due to the specific working conditions prevailing at
the site where the device is installed, using risk assess-
ment. The risk assessment must be implemented in the
form of work instructions for device operation.
• Confirm that the work instructions created for the system,
including the device, satisfy current legal requirements,
and if not, alter the instructions accordingly.
• Clearly regulate and specify the responsibilities for installa-
tion, operation, maintenance, and cleaning.
• Ensure that all employees who deal with the device have
read and understood this manual.
• Provide personnel with the required protective equipment.
• Provide training for personnel at regular intervals and in-
form personnel of the hazards.
In addition, the owner or processors must ensure that the
device is in adequate working condition. They must do the
• Ensure that the maintenance intervals described in these
instructions are complied with.
• Have all safety devices inspected regularly for function and
2.3 Personnel
Improper installation, operation and maintenance can result in
serious injury, death or property damage.
Use only qualified, instructed or trained personnel (as described
below) who have read, understood and followed these
2.3.1 Qualifications
The following qualifications are specified for different areas
of activity listed in this manual.
• An instructed person (operator): Instructed by the cus-
tomer in an orientation session on the assigned tasks and
possible dangers arising from improper behaviour.
• Qualified personnel: Based on their professional training,
know-how and experience, as well as knowledge of the
applicable standards and regulations, are able to inde-
pendently perform assigned work activities and to detect
and avoid possible dangers.
• Professional electrician: Based on his/her professional
training, know-how and experience, as well as knowledge
of the applicable standards and regulations, is able to in-
dependently perform work on electrical systems and to
detect and avoid possible dangers.
In addition, the professional electrician has been trained
for the special location where he/she works and knows the
relevant standards and regulations.
Only persons who can be expected to perform their tasks
reliably, are permitted to work with this device. Persons
whose reaction capabilities are impaired, through the use of
drugs, alcohol or medication for example, are not permitted.