EVGA Z390 FTW (123-CS-E397)
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Next, select your intended array type. This can be done by either clicking on the down
arrow and clicking on the RAID level you want, or pressing the enter key and using the
down arrow to select the RAID level and pressing Enter again. Please see the top half
of Page 63 for a quick reference on different RAID levels and RAID types based on
your total number of drives.
Next, select the drives you want to use for the array. Select the down arrow and the “X”
for each drive you want to include in the array.
Strip size (also called “block size” in other controllers) can be selected manually at 16k,
32k, 64k, or 128k. The controller will determine the default strip size after looking at
your drives and array type. Although there are some limited instances where this must
be set manually, it is highly recommended to leave this at default.