7800 MultiFrame Manual
7800FC VistaLINK
Frame Controller
Revision 1.0
7.2.2. Upgrading the Frame Controller Image using VistaLINK
1. Start a VistaLINK
PRO client and login using the
Administrator user account (VLPRO-C does not
use login accounts).
2. Expose the 7800FC in the hardware tree using
‘Add/Update Frame’ and collapsing the nodes in the
tree appropriately.
3. Use the right-click mouse button on the ‘7800FC’ in
the tree and select ‘View Configuration…’ option.
4. Select the ‘Control’ tab in the configuration view.
5. Click the ‘Browse’ button to select the unzipped
7800FC Image .bin file, which was downloaded in
section 7.2.1.
When upgrading the FC Image file,
ensure that you select the extracted
.bin file and NOT the entire .zip file,
6. Click the Upgrade button and wait for the upload to
complete. This will take approximately 5 to 10
minutes depending on network traffic.
7. Upon completion, the 7800FC module will reboot
automatically and return online in normal “run”
Figure 7-1: FC shown in the Hardware Tree