the sling in the hook base does not pose a risk.
4 Inspection, maintenance, repair and end of use
Joker hooks must be checked for defects before each use. If you detect
defects, the joker hooks must be set aside.An authorized person must
perform the check according to the employer’s specified inspection inter-
val, but at least once per year. Depending on the usage and operational
conditions, interim inspections may also be necessary. The inspections
must be documented according to DGUV rules 100-500. Additionally,
all metallic fittings must undergo crack inspection at least once every
three years. The inspection must be done according to EN 10228 Part 1
(Magnetic powder testing - “fluxes”) or Part 2 (Penetration Test). After
first use, an authorized person should make special inspections after
damage or special incidents that may affect the load capacity. An excep-
tional check is to be carried out by a suitably qualified person following
damage or a special occurrence which may affect the carrying capacity.
Speed up and simplify documentation of sling inspections. With
, SpanSet offers the right software and hardware. You
The joker hook must no longer be used if you discover one of the
following defects:
- Damage from aggressive substances, such as acids or lye
- The contact surfaces to the sling are damaged or show signs of wear,
such as notches
- I.a. Hook base is worn by more than 5% of the cross section
- The safety flap is damaged, sticks or stays open
- The hook is bent or shows corrosion
- There are cracks or crush points
- The hook shows signs of major heat damage
Repairs can be made only by the manufacturer or a manufacturer-
authorized person. For joker hooks, they are limited to the safety flap.
If joker hooks can no longer be repaired, the metal fitting can be
recycled. Joker hooks contaminated with oils and/or chemicals must
be discarded as special waste.
Heben • Sichern • Fördern • Verpacken
Evers GmbH • Graf-Zeppelin-Straße 10-12 • 46149 Oberhausen • Telefon (02 08) 99 475-0 • Telefax (02 08) 99 475-31 • E-Mail [email protected] • www.eversgmbh.de
Heben • Sichern • Fördern • Verpacken
Evers GmbH • Graf-Zeppelin-Straße 10-12 • 46149 Oberhausen • Telefon (02 08) 99 475-0 • Telefax (02 08) 99 475-31 • E-Mail [email protected] • www.eversgmbh.de