Model VR240 Audio Logging Recorder
January 2000
VR240 (PORT A on rear panel)
Pin 2 >---------------------------->
Pin 2 (Serial data to printer)
Pin 7 <----------------------------<
Pin 3 (Serial data received from printer)
Pin 3 -------------------------------
Pins 1, 7 (Ground)
Pin 20
Pins 5,6,8
F-2.1 Detailed Activity Printouts.
The VR240 can report start and stop times for each message. This feature can be enabled or
disabled individually for each channel. Each activity report results in one line on the printer
including time, date, input channel number, start/stop status, and descriptor. For example:
03:37:09 31-Oct-91 Ch 08 Start: Contest Line 2
03:39:44 31-Oct-91 Ch 08 Stop: Contest Line 2
\---------32 characters---------------/\--------------- up to
66 characters_______________/
The channel descriptor is printed last in order to minimize information lost due to printer line
length limitations. If your longest descriptor is 48 characters or less, an 80-column printer will
work fine. If you have long descriptors but your printer is not wide enough, you can let the
printer continue on the next line, or you can specify a maximum number of characters per report
and thereby restrict each report to one printed line.
F-2.2 Activity Summaries.
While recording, the VR240 can keep track of activity on each channel during a specified
interval. This activity can be printed at the end of each interval or the information can be saved
for printing at periods of up to only once a day. Summaries can also be printed on demand.
You can specify the summary interval from a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 24 hours.
Each activity summary printout line includes time, date and an activity indicator. The activity
indicator is separated into four groups of eight channels, with an asterisk indicating activity
during the interval and a hyphen indicating no activity. The left-most position corresponds to
channel 1 and the right-most position corresponds to channel 24. The following example shows
activity with a 5 minute interval:
From: 14:15:00 22-Apr-91
To: 14:46:00 22-Apr-91
14:15:00 22-Apr-91
**------ -*------ --------
14:20:00 22-Apr-91
-*------ -*------ --------