4. Correctly identify which SensorSafe
product you own.
• Clip Only.
Choose this option if you
unbuckle the chest clip and see the
letters “S3” stamped on the tongue.
• Clip & OBD Dongle.
Choose this
option if the chest clip comes with an
OBD vehicle dongle and has no letters
stamped on the tongue.
5. When prompted in the mobile app, buckle
the SensorSafe chest clip.
The chest clip LED lights may blink RED
for up to 30 seconds before being properly
connected and, once connected, the LEDs
should pulse twice with a visible BLUE
light, indicating that it has a full battery
charge (see pg. 9).
If you experience any difficulty connecting
to the chest clip, contact Parentlink using
the information in the SensorSafe mobile
app or URL/phone number in your child
restraint user guide.
Tips to ensure successful connection:
Make sure only one mobile phone in the area is attempting
to connect at a time. Disconnect from SensorSafe on all
other nearby phones.
Disconnect from all other Bluetooth devices while
connecting, including vehicle audio.
Make sure the mobile phone is within close range of the
chest clip, 3 meters (10 feet) or less, and Bluetooth is
turned on.
You only need to register a chest clip to an account once. If
it is already registered, you will see it under the settings tab
of the mobile app and will not be able to register it again.