RELEASE ER2017_06_
Installation and maintanance manual
Projector lift Mod. SI-H 100
This document is property of Euroscreen Srl.
Any distribution, reproduction, copying or publication of this document is prohibited.
1.7.6 Warranty is officially voided in case of:
repairing, modifications or components’ removing and substitution
not previously agreed and authorized by the manufacturer;
improper use from the end user;
lack of checking of the projector lift following the check register in
chapter 6.0.
For these reasons, we suggest to inform promptly the manufacturer in case of
malfunctions or faults of the lift.
1.7.7 The actual installation manual with all its attachments represents the
official and only documentation of this product and it has to be archived and
used during the entire lifetime of the product.
1.7.8 In case the lift is passed to a third party, it is COMPULSORY that the
user hands over to the third party this document and to inform the manufacturer
of full name and address of the new owner.
1.7.9 The manufacturer reserves the right to modify at any time all the
technical documentation and, consequently, the installation manual of the
product without obligation of notice to the end users.
1.7.10 This installation manual is exclusively property of the manufacturer.
Handling of this installation manual has to be authorized by the manufacturer. It
is forbidden to copy, reproducing even partially, drawings and documentation
included in this manual.
All violations are punishable by law and subject to compensation for damages
under the protection of commercial rights.
It is allowed to keep one copy only for archive purposes.