E&OE Instructions Part Number IN1190 Ed B
Insulated flue providing the minimum horizontal
length. Access for cleaning, stove provided with
stable and adequate hearth.
Single skin flue with no cleaning access and
undesirable horizontal length allowing flue
debris to restrict the flue. No allowance for
flue expansion and an unstable hearth will both
contribute to leaking flue seals.
External Flues
All voids within the chimney filled with insulating
material. Access for cleaning, minimum horizontal
Internal Flues
horizontal 6” 150mm
Bends in flue pipe
Top exit
A flue pipe shall have no more than four bends, each providing a maximum change of direction
of 45º, there should be not more than two of these bends before an access point for sweeping
and two between a sweeping point and the flue terminal.
Back exit
For a back outlet application using a T pipe, this should be treated as two 45º bends. If a “T”
piece is to be used, the horizontal flue run from the back outlet of the stove shall only be
used to connect the stove to a T pipe and shall not be more than 150mm in length.
On top exit stoves, ideally the flue should rise vertically 1 meter before the first bend. It is
permissible to have a bend no greater than 45° from the top flue outlet, or off the top of a T
pipe, as long as it does not adversely effect the flue draught.