4930638-02 - Page 4
Scenario 2 - T-Max 3A with Wireless
In single sunbed installations, the T-Max® 1A and 3A can offer the
same control as the T-Max® Manager, eliminating the need for a Man-
ager. If you’re using a 1A in this manner, it must have a chip labelled
“master” installed on its circuit board. The remote control bypass plug
must not
be used in this configuration. The 3A may be used as a “mas
ter” with no modification.
After you have set the T-Max®
1A’s, or 3A’s, address to “0” (re-
fer to your T-Max® user’s guide)
and the sunbed’s address to “1”,
simply connect one G2 (with
Power Injector) to the T-Max®
3A and one G2 to the tanning
Scenario 3 - T-Max® Manager Series with Wireless combination
Wireless can be easily added to an existing salon already utilizing T-
Max®. Connect one G2 (with Power Injector) to the Manager and one
G2 to each wireless ready tanning bed. The
rest of the salon may be “daisy-chained”
together and connected to the Manager.
Scenario 4 - T-Max® Manager Series with Wireless combination 2
Connect one G2 (with Power Injector) to the Manager and one G2
to a wireless ready tanning bed. The rest of the salon may be “daisy-
chained” together and connected to the wireless equipped tanning
bed, eliminating the need to wire the Manager to the tanning beds.
Scenario 5 - T-Max® Manager Series with wires
As always, this tanning bed is fully compatible with a wired T-Max®
system. Simply connect the RJ-22 modular cable(s), described in the T-
Max® Manager manual, into the remote port(s) located on the canopy
and follow the instructions that came with your remote system.
Scenario 6 - Single Bed wired to T-Max® 3A
In single sunbed installations, the T-Max® 1A and 3A can offer the
same control as the T-Max® Manager, eliminating the need for a Man-
ager. If you’re using a 1A in this manner, it must have a chip labelled
“master” installed on its circuit board. The remote control bypass plug
must not be used in this configuration. The 3A may be used as a “mas
ter” with no modification.
After you have set the T-Max® 1A’s, or 3A’s, address to “0” (refer to your
T-Max® user’s guide) and the sunbed’s address to “1”, simply connect
the RJ-22 modular cables, described
in the T-Max® user’s guide, directly
into either of the smaller ports located
on the canopy and either port on the
back of the T-Max® 1A or 3A.
NOTE: A T-Max® 1A with
a “master” chip can be
substituted for a 3A.
Scenario 7 - Non T-Max® Remote System wired to unit
Most non-T-Max® remote systems control the sunbed by the use
of a relay. The relay operates the sunbed by connecting and dis-
connecting a pair of wires leading from the sunbed. Refer to the
user’s manual provided with your remote system to determine if it
operates in this way. To con-
nect your sunbed to this type
of system a remote interface
kit is required. Contact your
place of purchase to obtain
the kit. The illustration at right
details a typical connection.
Follow the instructions pro-
vided with the kit and from
the remote’s manual to make
the necessary connections.
Go straight to the source with all your T-Max® brand remote questions:
(417) 297-0361