etectRx Patient Manual – DRAFT NOTE: This is a word doc used to build content only. The User
Manual will be laid out using a publishing program, so please do not focus reviews on numbering /
indents / etc.
Note that the Reader LED blinks green whenever it is paired and ready to use, blinks a
green/orange pattern when the battery is low, and blinks orange when the battery is too low to
be used – See Figure TBD.
To charge the Reader, place the Reader on the Wireless Charger Pad as seen in Figure TBD. The
Reader LED will show steady orange while charging and still below enough battery for use, and
steady green while charging and ready to be used. Once fully charged the Reader LED will blink
The Reader will automatically stop charging once the battery is fully charged.
Ingesting an ID-CAPSULE
Before ingesting each ID-Capsule:
Remove Reader from the Wireless Charging Pad and check for the blinking Blue light signifying the
Reader is ready to detect an ingestion. If the Reader shows an Orange light, the battery is too low
and should be charged for 30 minutes prior to the ingestion.
Once you have verified the Reader has enough battery life to record the ingestion, place the Reader
around your neck using the lanyard with the etectRx brand facing away from the body.
DO NOT delay taking prescribed medication if the Reader is not charged or if you encounter any
issue with the ID-CAP system.
When ingesting each ID-Capsule:
Proceed to swallow an ID-CAPSULE at the same time as your prescribed medication. After
swallowing ID-Capsule, continue wearing the Reader around your neck while going about normal
daily activities.
After Ingesting each ID-Capsule:
Within 30 minutes, the Reader will detect the swallowed ID-Capsule and notify by a blinking white
LED light on the Reader which displays for
DO NOT take an additional ingestion if the first one was not reported.
Remove Reader and Charge
Once the ingestion has been detected or 30minutes after ingestion, take off the Reader and place
back on the charger until the next use.
Periodic Download
Coordinate with the dispensing pharmacy to bring the Reader in to them for data download.
End of Therapy / Reader Return