M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode
User’s Guide
not visible on the main screen, its position is marked by left or right pointing triangle.
The color of the triangle is the same as the color of the cursor.
Fig. – Viewer screens with waveform cursors and time synchro mark
The relative position (order) of these triangles is the same as the placement of
the cursors.
Positioning the mouse cursor to the triangle, the real time of the cursor
position and the time period between the red screen cursor and the selected waveform
cursor (or synchronization time mark) is displayed. If the waveform cursor is visible
on the main screen, positioning the mouse cursor to it has the same effect as the
positioning to the triangle. If the screen cursors are not active, the time period
between the waveform cursor and the red screen cursor is not displayed.
The triangles are also usable to change the main screen position in the
waveform. Clicking to triangle changes the position of the main screen to display
waveform around the selected cursor (or time synchronization mark).
The screen cursors are also usable to measure voltages. The voltage of the
vertical position of red cursor, blue cursor and voltage between red and blue cursors
(for channels A and B) are displayed above the screen.
5.3.2. Measuring non-continuous data
Two types of discontinuity can occur:
- Internal buffer overflow during data acquisition.
- Discontinuity caused by ARM-ing data acquisition.
The result of a time period measurement with time discontinuity caused by
internal buffer overflow is displayed in red color, or as a string followed by “!”
character. This indicates, that the displayed time is not correct.
If the time break is caused by ARM-ing the data acquisition, the time can be
reconstructed and there is no difference between displaying the result of
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