M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode
User’s Guide
4.13. Signal source controls
The signal source controls are located in the right of the main window.
Fig. 4.13.1. – Signal source controls
Channel A controls are located in the left, channel B controls are located in the
“1:1”, “1:10”, “1:100” or “1:1000” – probe attenuation ratio
WARNING: Selection of improper probe attenuation may result in wrong
information about voltages.
to select coupling. Click
to ground input.
4.14. Channel information
The channel information are displayed in the top of the main window.
Channel A information are located in the left, channel B information in the
Fig. 4.14.1. – Channel information
Following information are displayed:
- information about coupling and probe attenuation ratio
- range
WARNING: If the improper probe attenuation is set, the information will be
„U(t)“ – the last measured value
- trigger threshold voltage
4.15. Main menu
The main menu is located in the top of the main window. Following menu
items are available:
File | Viewer
– Opens the data viewer.
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