9. After the sketch has been loaded, the Arduino’s lights should have the L and ON lights solid
and the TX light blinking once per second:
10. Launch Eos software, open Tab 99 Diagnostics, and look for messages that
“OSC USB Device Handshake Complete [OK]”
“OSC USB Device Handshake Initiated [ETCOSC?]”
The TX and RX lights should blink in sequence once per second.
Press “Incoming OSC” and you should see repeating messages of
“[OSC Packet] /eos/ping,” and a number counting up
These messages indicate that your Arduino and Eos are talking to each other.
The RX LED on your Arduino should also start blinking.
11. Exit the Eos software.
12. Now, load the main box_1_src.ino code. If you've added the OSC library
properly, the verification will be successful.
13. Press the arrow to upload your sketch to the Arduino.