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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800-321-6699 • Fax: 800-996-3821
1. ECM Control Ports
– Up to 6 AC Main circuits can be activated or monitored by the ETA-ECS6RM. Each ECM control port
connects to one of the following ECM modules: ETA-ECM20M, ETA-15SH, ETA-20SH, and the ETA-ECM20. For connection
between the ETA- ECS6 and an ECM module use a 5 conductor cable that is a minimum of 22-gauge wire. We suggest using CAT5
cable due to the common availability. Pay special attention to the port connections and DO NOT MIS WIRE or damage may occur.
The distance between the ETA-ECS6RM and an ECM module can be up to 1000ft.
Circuit Ground
AC Voltage Status Signal
AC Current Status Signal
Fault Status Signal, all signals are of low voltage and current
2. Relay Contacts
– Each Channel of the ETA-ECS6RM also has a Relay contact that works in conjunction with the ECM control port.
Sequencing and timing of these connections are the same as the corresponding ECM channels. Example: Sequence 1 ECM Port
output works at the same times CH 1 Relay contact. Note: All ECM modules can be triggered using the Relay contacts to activate
the ECM module. See ECM module for details.
3. ETA-ECS6RM Remote Activation Connections
– The ETA-ECS6RM can be activated via four methods. Two of them are via the
Remote Activation ports. The others are via the Front Panel Activation Switch and ECS-KSW6 Key Panel Switch.
1. External Switch (ExtSw)
– The ETA-ECS6RM can be remotely activated from hundreds of feet away. A simple low voltage/
current single contact switch can be applied to the two terminal connections marked “ExtSw” on the Remote Activation port.
When these two points are shorted together, the unit will be active, when released the unit will shut Off. When the contacts
are shorted together the Front Panel Activation Switch is overridden by the External Switch. The External Trigger LED will
illuminate on the Front panel indicating the status of the activation mode.
2. Remote Voltage Trigger
– The ETA-ECS6RM can be remotely activated from hundreds of feet away using a DCV for
activation. DC voltages ranging from 3V DC to 24V DC can be applied to the two terminal connections on the Remote
Activation port marked “RMT V IN” and “GND”. When these two points have the proper voltage applied, the unit will be
active, when the DC voltage is removed the unit will shut Off. When the proper DC voltage is applied the Front Panel Activation
Switch is over ridden. The External Trigger LED will illuminate on the Front panel indicating the status of the activation mode.
3. Front Panel Activation Switch
– See Front Panel Activation Switch for details
4. Remote Control Key Switch ECS-KSW6
– This an optional accessory item that allows you to activate, lock out, and monitor
the system from up to 1000ft away. See Remote ECS-KSW6 for details.
Electrical Control Sequencer