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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800-321-6699 • Fax: 800-996-3821
There are four different types of ECM Modules that require the same interface connectivity to the ETA-ECS6RM. All ECM Modules can
be interfaced with the ETA-ECS6RM. For connection between the ETA-ECS6RM and an ECM module, use a 5 conductor cable that is
a minimum of 22-gauge wire. We suggest using CAT5 cable due to the common availability and low cost. Pay special attention to the
port connections and
or damage may occur. The distance between the ETA-ECS6RM and the ECM Module can be
up to 1000ft.
Any of the ETA-ECM20, ETA-ECM20M, ETA-15SH or the ETA-20SH Modules can be triggered to activate without using an ECS type
Controller. Any DCV supply will activate the ECM by applying DCV 5-24VDC to the “+” and “GND” terminals. An external switch will
also activate an ECM by applying a contact to short terminals “+” and “D” together. Note: the EVS and Voltage monitoring will be
disabled using either of these methods.
EMI / RFI Filters
ECM noise filtering for unwanted Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) that are commonly introduced into the
AC lines by nearby radio transmitters or wireless products. EMI filters are incorporated to reduce noise from Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) from such items as electric motors or switching power supplies. The benefit of these filters can be seen on
video products or audibly by reducing static pops and external signal interference.
AC Spike Protection
ECM modules feature AC spike suppression. AC Spikes, or Transients, are commonly caused by utility
power plant grid switchovers. The amount of energy that can be injected into the power system can be immense with voltages
reaching 6kV or amperage peaks of 3000A. These spikes are very fast and usually only last for a very short period of time. To
protect against this potential problem incoming AC Mains have special suppression circuitry to eliminate the unwanted energy.
This circuitry is very fast and can suppress unwanted energy within a nanosecond, while sustaining the suppression up to 2
milliseconds, thus ensuring virtually trouble free protection.
AC Surge Protection
High line can also be known as surges. Surges usually are a slower steady state rise in voltages ranging
from 128VAC and up. They can be caused from fluctuations from the utility company's power lines, or industrial equipment turning
On and Off, on the same power leg of the building's incoming AC.
EVS Protection
If an ECM Module is connected to the ETA-ECS6RM, the ETA-ECS6RM has built in intelligence that monitors the
AC lines from the ECM modules and will inform you of potentially damaging voltages. If the AC Mains voltage is between 101VAC
and 107VAC or 128VAC and 132VAC the display will flash an error code indicating a potential fault has occurred and you should
check sensitive equipment. If an extreme voltage swing occurs above 128VAC or below 101VAC, the Extreme Voltage Shutdown
(EVS) protection circuit will automatically turn all remote ECM modules off until the system is manually reset. The EVS feature can
be defeated if required via the ETA-ECS6RM EVS bypass switch.
Over Current Protection
In the case of excessive current draw at the ECM module, an internal Slow Blow fuse will open
protecting the devices plugged into the ECM module. Note: This fuse must be changed by a qualified service technician.
Electrical Control Sequencer