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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800-321-6699 • Fax: 800-996-3821
Power Sequencer & Conditioner
Power Sequencer, Power Conditioner & Suppressor
Sequencer Sections
3, Fixed Time of 3 Seconds Between “On” Seq. 2 & 3, “Off” 2 & 1
Load Rating
15A Continuous
Safety Listing
ETL (UL 60065 Standard)
Front Panel
AC Outlets
2 Unswitched
1 Pull out LED with Dimmer Switch
Activation Switch
Circuit Breaker
15A Resettable
AC Mains Voltmeter
Three Digits (Digital)
Sequencer Sections 1, 2 & 3, Abnormal Voltage, AC Fault, Breaker Open, Wiring Fault
Rear Panel
AC Outlets
7 Total, Sequence Section 1 (3 outlets), Sequence Section 2 (2 Outlets),
Sequence Section 3 (1 outlet), Unswitched (1 Outlet)
External Switch Activation Trigger
Momentary Contacts, 2 Position Euro/Phoenix 5.08mm Type Connector
External Voltage Activation Trigger
5-24VDC Continuous, 10mA, 2 Position Euro/Phoenix 5.08mm Type Connector
DC Output
12VDC 100mA Output Paralleled to Sequencer Section 3 Timing
LED Light Socket
XLR Socket to Provide 12VDC for Optional 16" Gooseneck Lamp, AP-GNL18
LED Light Switch
Two Position On/Off
Grounding Terminal
Hand Screw Type Terminal to Chassis Ground
AC Mains Power Cord
9' (3 Meters) 14-gauge
Technical Data
Current Rating
15 amps
Power Consumption
12 watts
Operating Voltage
102 - 132VAC
High Voltage Surge Protection
Trigger at 133VAC, 1ms Typically
Low Voltage Protection
Trigger at 101VAC, 1ms Typically
Voltmeter Accuracy
Spike Protection Modes
DCS (Dual Clamping Suppression) Circuitry on Incoming AC Mains and Each
Sequential Section Output
Min. Spike Clamping Voltage
460 VRMS @ 3,000A
Max. Spike Clamping Voltage
Max. Spike Clamping Resp. Time
1 nanosecond
Spike Clamping Voltage @ 100A
1250Vp for 20μs
Maximum Surge Current
Energy Rating @ 2ms
2000 Joules
Noise Attenuation EMI/RFI Seq. Section 1 & 2
10dB @ 10 kHz, 40dB @ 100 kHz, 100dB @ 10 MHz
Temperature Range
5º to 35º C
Humidity Range
5% to 95% R.H.
Chassis Finish
Rack Mount, 19", 1 RU
Height 1.75" (44.45mm) x Width 19" (482.6mm) x Depth 8.5" (215.9mm)
7.6 lbs (3.45kg)