Tap on „Info“ to view the memory information of each storage
Here you can view the file categories and the used disk space
on the selected storage location.
The usage is displayed in percent and in kilobytes/megabytes/
Once you have open an image file, you can start a slideshow
of all the pictures stored in the directory. Tap on the image and
the playback options are displayed.
Tap on „Options“ to perform file operations, such as deleting
or copying files.
With the copy function, it is possible to move files to another
location or to another disk.
With a separately available 3G USB stick and an activated SIM card (3G/
UMTS), it is possible to use the „Internet“ feature. Open in the main
menu Apps > Files > chose „Local“ and „Others“. There you will find
the pre-installed file „DialUpSetting.exe“. Open the program and a virtual
keayboard appears as well as the „Internet Settings“ window. Both win-
dows can be moved by tapping on the blue tab, then holding and moving.
Enter the appropriate information that you have received from your network operator into the required data
field and confirm your entries with „Apply“. Now, the Internet function is ready to use.
The operation of the browser works best with the included stylus marker.
If you want to use the internet function, configure the menu or app menu as described on page 37 and
set the „Internet“-pad on a free or desired menu item.
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