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Pack 1 


5gal M.I.S.T.


Disinfecting Solution 

Pack 1 


Essentials M.I.S.T.





Easily disinfect large areas and

surfaces quickly and cost-effectively.

Essentials M.I.S.T.

 Disinfecting System User Guide


 Fogger Set-up

1) In preparation for your first use of the M.I.S.T.

 Fogger, open the box and remove the topmost foam packing.

2) Take the M.I.S.T.

 Fogger out of the box and cut off the two plastic ties that hold the cord in place. Once the cord is released, 

wind it around the base of the tank until the fogger is ready for use.
3) Screw the reservoir cap onto the tank.  
4) Attach the shoulder strap to the M.I.S.T.

 Fogger by clipping it onto the front and back of the tank. Adjust the strap length as 

5) Included in your box is an additional metal clip. This will be used for securing the hose when the M.I.S.T.

 Fogger is not in use. 

Attach the ring of this additional clip to the first loop on the M.I.S.T.

 Fogger hose, then latch the hose to the shoulder strap ring 

until the M.I.S.T.

 Fogger is ready for use. 

6) Also included with the M.I.S.T.

 Fogger is a measuring cup and two additional nozzle heads. The measuring cup can be used 

for diluting the M.I.S.T.

 Solution, (if desired). The extra nozzle heads can be used to adjust mist. However, the medium size nozzle 

head is already installed on your fogger, and this is what we recommend for use with the M.I.S.T.



 Solution Set-up

1) With the 5-gallon drum standing upright, unscrew the cap and screw on the included drum faucet. 
2) Set the drum on its side with the faucet facing down. The drum is now ready to dispense M.I.S.T.


3) When the drum is empty, unscrew the faucet for use on your next 5-gallon drum of M.I.S.T.

