Page #8
Mercury* 45 400 -12
Mercury 78 400 -12
MGM (up to E3071)# 33 RIAA -12
MGM* 45 RIAA -12
MGM 78 RIAA -12
Montilla 33 RIAA -12
Musicraft 78 700 RIAA
NAB/NARTB transcriptions 33/78 RIAA NAB
NAB/NARTB vertical transcriptions 33/78 400 NAB
New Records 33 Lp NAB
Nocturne (LP 1-3, 5, XP 1-10) 33 400 -12
Oceanic (up to XTV20386) 33 Lp NAB
Odeon 33 300 -10
Odeon(some early electrical) 78 700 FLAT
Odeon(pre-1947) 78 300 FLAT
Okeh(electrical) 78 300 FLAT
Orthoacoustic transcriptions 33/78 RIAA NAB
Overtone (1-3) (up to XTV20386) 33 Lp NAB
Oxford 33 Lp NAB
Pacific Jazz (1-13) 33 400 -12
1947-1954 33 300 -10
pre-1947 78 300 FLAT
1947-1954 78 300 -10
Period (up to 576)# 33 RIAA NAB
Philharmonia 33 400 -12
Polydor 33 300 -10
Polydor 78 300 -10
Polymusic 33 RIAA NAB
Polymusic(binaural-inside band) 33 RIAA FLAT
Rachmaninoff Society 33 Lp NAB
Early Acoustics* 71.29 FLAT FLAT
Later Acoustics* 76.59-78 FLAT FLAT
1925 78 300 FLAT
1931(Program Transcription) 33 700 FLAT
1935 78 300/RIAA -5
1938-1954 78 RIAA -5
1954 (New Ortho only) 78 RIAA RIAA
1930-50 (European) 78 300 FLAT
1949 (D9 to EOLRC3980)# 33/45 700 -10
1950-8/52 (>E0LRC3981)# 33/45 RIAA -12
8/52(New Orthophonic)(>E2RP4094) 33/45 RIAA RIAA
Remington (up to 199-135)# 33 RIAA NAB