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Figure 1
should be connected to the stereo system just like any other auxiliary sound
processing component. De-clickers, such as the Packburn 323 or Esoteric Sound
must always precede the
. If tape recording is not used, connect the
in the tape monitor path. If tape recording is desired, connect the
in the
tape monitor path(Fig. 1) and use a "Y" connector to feed its (or associated equipment's) output to an
un us ed "Au x" in pu t. T ap e playb ac k w ill be via this "Au x" in pu t. W ith th e ta pe m on itor sw itch ed in, you w ill
hear via your speakers the sound that is being processed.
If your preamp/am p/receiver does not have a separate "Aux" input, eliminate the "Y" connectors and
connect directly into the recorder, and connect the recorder's output to the amp's "Tape In." Then for
normal listening of Re-Equalized or otherwise processed sound monitor the tape recorder. If the tape
recorder has a "Monitor" switch, it must be in "Source" to do this.
The front panel has three controls: Turnover, Rolloff, and Bypass. The Turnover has six positions: FLAT,
300 Hz, 400 Hz, RIAA, Lp, and 700 Hz. The Rolloff also has six positions: FLAT, -5 db, -10 db, -12 db,
RIAA, NAB. The BYPASS switch provides a hard wire connection from input to output with no intervening
circu itry. W he n s witc he d to “IN ,” the tw o inpu ts a re co nn ec ted tog eth er pro viding m on o ope ration . This
reduces some noise and facilitates recording.