Escort Data Logging Systems LTD DATED: 03/07/07 PAGE 4
Latest CPU Technology
The ChartReader incorporates the technology of a new breed of high performance 16bit
microprocessor with more on board memory.
Flash Memory Version
The low memory versions (EJ-CR, EJ-CR-16, MN-CR) store logger data information in
RAM and will therefore lose currently stored logs if the battery fails before the user prints
the logger information (or downloads the information to a computer system). This should
not be a problem since the user can check the battery status at any time.
However the latest ChartReaders are equipped with 1MB (1,000,000 Bytes) flash memory
(EI-CR-MEM, EJ-CR-MEM, MN-CR-MEM, EA-CR). This allows approx. 700,000 to
800,000 readings from multiple loggers to be stored. FLASH memory allows the
downloaded readings to be retained even if the battery fails. Once the battery is charged
or external power is provided, the readings can be printed as normal.