CC800 IPPhone
Escene Communication
Default Value: Disabled
3.2.15 LDAP Lookup for PreDial/Dial
Description: This setting can be used to enable call out line identification using LDAP.
When the setting is turned
“Enabled”, the phone performs an LDAP number search for PreDial or Dial status.
Valid Values: <Enabled>, <Disabled>
Default Value: Disabled
3.3 Example for Configuration
You can use the below settings as a starting point and adjust the filter and display attributes
according to your needs.
LDAP Name Filter: (&(telephoneNumber=%s)(sn=%))
LDAP Number Filter: (&(telephoneNumber=%s)(sn=*))
Server Address: #####this setting is relate with the server configuration.
Port: 389 #####this setting is relate with the server configuration.
Base: dc=Escene,dc=cn #####this setting is relate with the server configuration.
User Name: cn=manager,dc=escene,dc=cn #####this setting is relate with the server
Password: ***** #####this setting is relate with the server configuration.
Max.Hits: 50
LDAP Name Attributes: cn sn displayName
LDAP Number Attributes: Mobile telephoneNumber ipPhone
Protocol: Version 3 #####this setting is relate with the server configuration.
Search Delay(ms)(0~2000): 0
LDAP Lookup for Incoming Call: Enabled
LDAP Sorting Results: Enabled
LDAP Lookup for PreDial/Dial: Enabled
4. Configuration on Escene Phone | [email protected] | 0800 088 48 46