Flame knob adjusts water temperature
Water drop knob adjust water pressure
For hottest setting turn flame all the way up, and keep pressure low
Snowflake/sun knob indicates a seasonal-use setting. The snowflake will give hotter
water as this is the “cold-weather” setting. The sun will give less warm water as this is
the “summer” setting.
Takeaway: If you want hotter water, keep it set to the snowflake.
Digital temperature reading at the bottom - water gets hot quickly, stay safe!
Door Handle is a compression latch. To loosen, press handle in & turn counter
clockwise, then release. When closing, align the inner latch with the handle so that
they’re parallel and the inner latch is at the end of the screw. Push in while rotating
the handle 90 degrees clockwise. Once the handle has latched the door closed, release
pressure & continue to rotate the handle clockwise to compress the door against the
gasket, firmly sealing the compartment. If you’re having issues getting the door to
latch, rotate the handle counterclockwise until the latch is all the way to the end of
the screw.
Don’t forget to fully empty the hose before storing by holding vertically and letting
gravity drain the contents.
Always empty the water on cold nights to prevent freezing, which can expand and
crack the housing of your pump. You can use the passenger side rear stabilizer to jack
up the trailer to get all of the water out. This also works in warmer weather to get full
use of the 21-gallon tank by pushing the water towards the output pipes!
You can fill the tank more fully by jacking up the trailer with the driver’s side stabilizer
as well, making full use of the tank capacity that exists above the fill pipe.
If you live in a 4-season climate, you’ll want to prepare your trailer for winter annually,
and de-winterize it for seasonal use in the spring, summer, and fall. In Utah, we keep
our trailers winterized from October through April.
Blog & Video:
How to Winterize Your Teardrop Trailer
Roam Awning Manual is
only as a digital version.
When zipping up, place your index finger behind the zipper (with non-zipping
hand) to prevent fabric from catching in the zipper.
a few times per season to ensure smooth movement
WD40 can be used to clean the zipper when debris builds up
Setting up: