Make sure yellow levers are fully depressed as you guide the drawer back in so
it doesn’t slam the lock closed, which can lead to broken compontry over time.
To remove drawers, and access the ignitor battery for the stove you’ll need to locate a
small black lever on the middle exterior of each slide. Pull up on the left side and push
the right side down to unlock and remove the drawer.
The ignitor battery will either be mounted to the floorboard or on top of the heating
unit (if you have one). If the ignition switch on your stove is not *clicking* when
pressed, you’ll need to replace this battery with a new AA.
Packing the Galley
It’s best to pack your gear tightly in one place at a time to reduce rattling in transit.
Then you can always reorganize at base camp! Also consider
or surface protectors to limit scu ng or scratching from harder
Lightleaf Solar Panel
Lightleaf panel mounts onto the back hatch of your TOPO Series trailer.
Make sure the mounting knobs are turned to hold the panel in place while driving.
You can add a
to the center toggle latch for security
12’ extension cord allows you to park in the shade and use the kickstand to set the
solar panel up in the sun
Daisy-chaining additional panels is not recommended because it can overwhelm the
solar controllers, which are designed for 10 amps.
Solar Controller
Either the Zamp Solar Controller or Renogy Wanderer Solar Controller is included with
your solar panel
Renogy Wanderer Solar Controller Manual
or Zamp Solar Controller Manual will be
Unit is mounted in the rear galley cutting board compartment
If you need to remove the gray wire from the batteries on the tongue, be sure to
unplug the panel prior to doing this for risk of triggering an error code on the solar
controller (known to cause permanent issues with Renogy controllers).
Renogy Controller: