Benefi ts of
Smart Meters
You can monitor how
much money you’re
spending on an hourly,
daily, weekly and
monthly basis.
Your Smart Meter
automatically sends
your meter readings
and ensures your bills
are accurate.
There’s no need for
engineers to visit
your home for meter
readings anymore,
although we’ll carry
out some safety checks
from time to time.
With automatic meter
readings, you don’t have
to worry about getting
estimated bills ever
again. You’ll only ever
pay for what you use
and can view your
hourly, daily, weekly
and monthly costs
in pounds and pence.
Keep an eye on what
in your home is using
more energy and work
out how to keep the
costs down.
If there are any changes
to your supply, or we
need to let you know
something important,
we’ll send a message to
your In-Home Display.
Smart Gas Meter
Smart Electricity Meter
In-Home Display
Easily see exactly
how much gas and
electricity you’re using.
It is easy to
keep up-to-date
on your energy
meter readings
No more
estimated bills
View your
spend history
It’s easy to
keep up-to-date
on costs
You never have
to submit meter