To help you keep track of where your
money goes, here’s how it works...
your Usage
Standing Charges
Depending on your
tariff you might have a
daily fixed charge that
goes towards the cost of
supplying services
to your home. It
includes the cost of
the wires and pipes
and maintenance
of your meters.
Unit Rate
A unit rate is what we
charge for each unit
of energy (kilowatt-
hour) you use. The
more you use your
gas and electricity, the
more units you’ll use
and the higher your
consumption will be.
Watch The Weather
It sounds simple, but
try to budget for the
cooler weather in
winter. When it gets
cold outside you’ll
use more energy
to keep warm.
Not an ESB Energy Customer?
Get a Quote and Switch Today at join.esbenergy.co.uk
Got any questions?
Call us on 0345 60 70 372
> Why does my usage jump in the morning?
The standing charge (fixed charges associated with providing electricity and
gas services) is added on to your costs on the IHD after midnight each day, this
ensures a more accurate view.
> Where is the best place to keep my In-Home Display?
Wherever works best for you, we suggest keeping out of direct sunlight but
apart from that the IHD can go anywhere that best suits your home.
> Why are my prices different on my IHD?
The prices shown on your bill are without VAT and VAT is added separately on
the bill whereas to enable you to accurately see your usage the VAT is added
onto your process on the IHD. Also, there is currently a price difference of
0.01p between your IHD and your unit prices as the IHD.
> Why are my previous meter details still showing on my online account?
Sometimes it can take up to 28 days for your new meter details to update on
the system. We realise this can lead to confusion but sit tight, we’re working
to get this updated.
> Do I still need to provide meter readings?
Thankfully, you will no longer be required to give regular meter readings.
Smart Meters automatically send us your energy consumption so estimated
bills will be no more. Bugs may occur from time to time, but if there are any
issues, we will make sure to contact you.
> Will I spend more because I have a Smart Meter?
Quite the opposite. We expect customers to save money using a Smart Meter.
You can keep an eye on how much gas and electricity you use and adjust your
usage patterns and spot where you can make savings.
> Are Smart Meters safe to use?
Public Health England (PHE), a government watchdog, has confirmed that
Smart Meters cause no risk to your health and aren’t dangerous to have in
your home. Smart Meters are one of the safest pieces of technology to be
found in the home, says PHE. Smart Meters send out far less than the mobile
phone you keep in your pocket or the microwave you heat your food in.