Push PR and keep it pressed down until the led LR switches on.
Then push simultaneously PR and PV until both the leds LR and LV
start to blink.
in this way all the codes present in the memory will be erased.
General command
Push and keep pushed the button PV of the receiver until the green
led LV switches on;
Within 4 seconds push the key D of the transmitter to memorise.
The green led LV will switches off and the motor relay will activate
for a while.
The D key will make the closing of the motor.
The activation of the remaining transmitter keys is automatic, by
correlating the key B to the opening and the key C to the stop.
For the managing of the codes it is previously neccary to annotate the
memory locations of each transmitter code and to wich relay it is
The transmitter codes management is usefull when it is necessary to
store many codes into the receiver, for a condominium installation
(ex. 100 transmitters into 100 memory locations).
Operating description
The position of the code in the memory is displayed by a binary
sequence of 7 bit.
In order to calculate the right position of the code refer to the
following table: by making attention to the flash sequence of the
green led LV:
7 bit code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
association 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
It is enough to take into count only the flashes of the green
led because the value of the ones of red led have always
value 0.
: Led sequence correspondent to the 37th
positions of the memory:
1st flash:
green led
2nd flash: red led
3rd flash: green led
4th flash: red led
5th flash: red led
6th flash: green led
7th flash: red led
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 4 8 16 32 64
1 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 32 + 0 = 37
Check of the number of stored transmitters
On the receiver, enter in programming mode by pushing PR until LR
switches ON.
Release PR and push againg PR for one second.
From now on, a sequence of led flashes commences, showing a
number which can be calculated by following the previous table.
The final number is equal to the total number of codes stored in the
Check of the transmitter position inside the memory.
Push and release the transmitter button for which it is necessary the
Push PR for 1 second: from this time on, a led flash sequence starts.
By decoding the message, as explained above, it is possible to get
the information of the code position.
Replacement of the code of a stored transmitter
It is possible to delete a stored transmitter code and replace it with
another one, in the same memory position.
For this operation it is necessary to know exactly the memory position
of the transmitter to replace.
See the previous chapter titled "Check of the transmitter position
inside the memory".
Once known the memory position of the transmitter which has to be
replaced, follow the next procedure:
- On the receiver push and keep pushed PR until the led LR is ON.
Push PV for at least 1 second.
- Start the binary sequence by pushing PR or PV in order to get the
position of the memory cell to replace.
Example of a new transmitter positioning on the 42th cell of memory:
0 2 0 8 0 32 0
0 + 2 + 0 + 8 +0 + 32 +0 = 42
Push in sequence:
Fom now on the red led LR lights on showing the start of the
programmation phase.
Store the new transmitter code by pushing on the desired transmitter
button (A, B, C or D).
At the end the red led turn off, by giving the acknowledge of the
successful procedure.
In this way the old code has been deleted and the new one has been
stored in the same memory position and will activate the relay.
- it is possible to use always the same transmitter (i. e. the installation
maintenance transmitter) for the user code removal.
Memory full
When the memory is full (that means that the 85 or 100 memory
cells have been stored, depending upon the used model and a
memorisation phase is commenced) the receiver led LR and LV
blink 3 times simultaneously.
Then the led corresponding to the excited relay remains on and so
it is still possible to perform the other functionalities described in
the previous chapters.
It is necessary to have a 4 key transmitter of
the same range
Pag. 9