3rd Generation Partnership Project.
An analog signal can have any value between two limits. For example, traditional telephone lines transfer the
human voice, itself an analogue signal, by means of a continuously varying electrical voltage. This voltage is an
electrical representation of the pressure produced by the sound on the telephone microphone.
Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard code used for transferring data
between computers and associated equipment.
Asynchronous communication
Data communication in which data elements are NOT separated according to time. Instead, a special code such
as a start bit and a stop bit is used. By using a code, in lieu of time, asynchronous communication is more
tolerant of time variations, and complex timing circuits are not needed. The serial port and the COM port of a
computer are associated with asynchronous communication, as is the RS-232-C interface. Also some end to end
modem protocols are asynchronous.
The characters AT stand for Attention and tells the Infrared Modem that a command follows. AT must be used
at the beginning of a command line or dial string.
AT command set
The set of commands used to control the Infrared Modem.
Auto-answer mode
The state in which the Infrared Modem automatically answers the telephone when it rings.
Sending an item to another phone or a compatible application using the infrared link.This can include ring
signals, calendar entries and business cards.
The method for accessing WAP from the phone, for example GSM Data (CSD) and SMS.
Secure, fast, point-to-multipoint radio connection technology.
Acronym for ‘bits per second’ (bits/s). A measure of speed at which bits are transmitted over the telephone lines.
A single WML unit of navigation and user interface. May contain information to present to the user, instructions
for gathering user input, etc.
The frequency used by two connecting modems to transmit and receive data.
Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy. A European-based advisory committee
established by the United Nations to recommend international communication protocol standards.