SH888, S868, Standare Electrical Repair
4/00021-2/FEA 209 544/3.D
If they’re correct, measure the resistances of C850 (>100 kohms), C851 (>1
kohms), C829 (>100 kohms), C830 (>100 kohms), C818 (>100 kohms) and
C819 (>100 kohms, all of class A and in fig. 4.2). Measure the resistance of
C815 (fig. 4.1, >50 kohms).
* If it’s less, replace C815 and C816 (both of class A and in fig. 4.1).
Measure the resistance of R818 (fig. 4.2, >10 kohms).
If it’s less, replace R818 and C820 (both of class A, fig. 4.2).
Measure the resistance of R810 (~0 ohms), R811 (~0 ohms), R812 (~1.5 kohms),
R814 (~470 ohms) and R820 (1.5 kohms, all of class A and in fig. 4.2).
If the resistance of R820 is too low even after it has been replaced, replace V805
(class A, fig. 4.1).
Measure the resistance of C814 (>100 kohms, class A, fig. 4.2).
If the fault remains, send the phone to the next level.
4.4 Handsfree speaker fault.
Check the contact pads at the system connector for dirt, liquid damages and oxida-
tion. Replace the system connector if needed.
Open the phone and check for liquid damages, especially around the system connec-
tor pads.
Check the soldering at N800 pin 22 (fig. 4.2).
Measure the resistance of R804 (fig. 4.4, >50 kohms).
If it’s less, replace F601 (class A, fig. 4.1). If that doesn’t help, replace R804
(class A, fig. 4.4).
Measure the resistances of R806 (~100 ohms, class A, fig. 4.4) and C813 (>100
kohms, class A, fig. 4.4).
If the fault remains, send the phone to the next level.