3/1531-HSD 101 41 Uen E 2007-08-13
1 Introduction
This document describes the installation of the EDN612 IP DSLAM,
ESN212 Switch and Ethernet Power Node EPN210. It is intended for
planning and installation personnel.
The guide can be read separately, but for a full understanding of the EDA
system the reader is referred to the
System Description and EDN612,
ESN212, EPN210 User Guide.
The guide can be printed on a monochrome printer, but the illustrations are
easier to understand if a color printer is used.
1.1 Revision
The guide is valid for EDA 1200 4.0 R3A and later. Please refer to the
Release Notes
for valid versions of the nodes. Other product versions, with
functions not described in this guide, may be available.
1.1.1 This
Other than editorial changes, this document has been changed as follows:
Environmental and Space Requirements section added (section 5 on
page 9).
1.1.2 Version
Other than editorial changes, this document has been changed as follows:
Warning in section 6.2.1 on page 12 about not to use other SID than
zero removed.
The description of the subscriber cable used for connection to the
EDN612 has been revised.
Tools needed section added (section 2 on page 3)
Procedure for inserting subscriber line connector revised (section 6.2.5
on page 16).