Release the PTT BUTTON when the trans-
mission is complete. If the transmission ex-
ceeds the programmed Carrier Control
Timer limit, the radio will unkey and an alert
tone will sound.
Listen for a reply.
Emergency Operation (Trunked Mode)
Receiving An Emergency Call
If the radio receives an Emergency Channel As-
signment in trunked mode, an alert tone sounds and
the "EMG" status flag starts flashing. Follow standard
emergency procedures.
Sending An Emergency Call
To enable an emergency transmission,
press and hold the EMERGENCY BUTTON
(small red button near antenna) for approxi-
mately one second. The radio transmits an
emergency message until an Emergency
Channel Assignment is received. Upon re-
ceipt, the "EMG" status flag turns on and the
radio begins operation on the selected group
or the home group, depending upon pro-
Press the PTT BUTTON and speak into the
microphone in a normal voice.
Release the PTT BUTTON when the trans-
mission is complete and listen for a reply.
Dynamic Regrouping
Dynamic Regrouping is a feature which allows the
System Manager to dynamically program new groups
into selected radios. Upon development of the re-
grouping plan, the site controller sends each radio the
regroup plan number, knob setting(s), and acti-
vate/deactivate commands.
When the radio is regrouped, it will alert the user
and the display will indicate "REGRP nn" (nn = 01 -
08 depending upon the CONTROL KNOB setting).
If the regroup plan has deselect capability active
on the selected system, press the MONITOR BUT-
TON to toggle between the group and regroup modes.