Safety instructions and warnings
Skin type descriptions
Burns and long-term damage!
People with skin type I may not use the tanning device.
The following applies to people with skin types II, III and IV:
Observe the tanning times.
Observe the safety instructions.
The tanning times are only valid for the lamp set and filter
panels specified on the lamp set sticker.
The tanning sessions should be at least 48 hours apart.
The maximum dosage of 25 kJ/m² per year should not be
Skin type II
Skin type II
Skin type III
Skin type IV
Sensitive skin
Light skin
Normal skin
Dark skin
Usually burns
Sometimes burns Rarely burns
Tolerates only a
small amount of
natural sun.
Tolerates approx.
10-20min. of
natural sun.
Tolerates approx.
20-30min. of
natural sun.
Tolerates approx.
40 min. of
natural sun.