#286-5489 Byrne Rd., Burnaby, BC, V5J3J1, Canada Phone: 888-387-3787 or 604-266-8547 www.equustek.com
5.4.3 DH-485 Node Address
The DH-485 network allows up to 32 nodes on a network with addresses ranging from 0
to 31 decimal. The DL6000 DH-485 node address is determined from the last octet of
the IP address assigned to the unit. The following table shows how the DH-485 node
address is determined from the last octet of the IP address.
Node Address
Last Octet of IP address
0-31 0-31
0-31 32-63
0-31 64-95
0-31 96-127
0-31 128-159
0-31 160-191
0-31 192-223
0-31 224-255
If the last octet of the IP address is larger than 31, subtract 32 from the value until it falls
within the range of 0 to 31. This will be the DH-485 node address in decimal.
DL6000 with IP Address
Take the last octet and subtract and keep subtracting 32
until the value falls within the range of 0 to31.
The DH-485 node address is 10 decimal.
5.4.4 DH-485 Baud Rate
The DH-485 Baud rate will set itself to 19.2K if the Serial Interface was set to 19200 or
Higher. Otherwise it will use 9600 for a 9600 baud and 4800 for 4800 baud.
Serial Interface Speed
DH-485 Speed
19200-115200 Baud
19.2K Baud
9600 Baud
9600 Buad
4800 Baud
4800 Buad