8. Precautions
S5U1C17001H2 User Manual
Seiko Epson Corporation
(ICDmini Ver2.0) (Rev2.0)
8. Precautions
Restrictions on Debugging
The debugging using the S5U1C17001H is subject to the restrictions specified below.
Operation of the internal peripheral circuits
The peripheral circuits of the target system S1C processor stop operating when the debugger (gdb) on the host
computer is ready to accept commands, that is, unless the target program is running. For this reason, the
peripheral circuits do not operate in real time when the target program is executed in the single-step mode. For
details on single-step execution, refer to the “Debugger” section in the “S5U1C17001C Manual (C Compiler
Package for S1C17 Family).”
Interrupts when the target program is not running
If an interrupt request to the S1C Core is generated by the target system when the target program is not running,
interrupt processing is paused. The interrupt that has been paused is serviced immediately before the target
program is executed or immediately after one instruction is executed after the debugger (gdb) on the host
computer has directed that the target program be executed.
Interrupts when the target program is executed in a single step
If an interrupt request to the S1C Core is generated by the target system during single-step execution of the
target program, including functions and subroutines (STEP), the interrupt request is paused. During single-step
execution of the target program, not including functions and subroutines (NEXT), an interrupt request received
within a function or subroutine is serviced without being paused and an interrupt received in other parts of the
program is paused as with the STEP command. T he interrupt that has been paused is serviced immediately
before the target program is executed or immediately after one instruction is executed after the debugger (gdb)
on the host computer has directed that the target program be executed. For details on single-step execution
(STEP and NEXT), refer to the “Debugger” section in the “S5U1C17001C Manual (C Compiler Package for
S1C17 Family).”
Execution counter
(1) The measuring execution times up to 6515 hours.
(2) A 3 µs or less of program execution time cannot be measured correctly.
(3) As it includes the precision of the oscillator built into ICDmini and the processing of debug mode entry/
exit, the measurement result contains the following error.
measuring result = actual time (
50 ppm) + debug mode entry/exit processing (around 40 cycles)
The counter is also used for clocking of the lapse of time break function, therefore, execution times cannot be
measured when the lapse of time break function is used.
Reset sequence
The sequence from when the S5U1C17001H is powered on until the target program is executed is entirely
different from that of the actual S1C processor.
However, a sequence for the reset request input from the target system while the target program is being
executed is the same as that for the actual S1C processor.
Regarding the reset sequence in the actual S1C processor, refer to the technical manual of each model.
Break functions when a reset request is accepted
Note that the hardware PC break and software PC break functions will be disabled if a reset request (reset input
or reset interrupt from the watchdog timer) is accepted while the S1C processor on the target system is
executing the target program in normal mode.
It will be enabled again when the S1C processor enters debug mode.