Seiko Epson Corporation
(Rev. 1.2)
9.3.3 Clock Supply in DEBUG Mode
The CLK_SVD3 supply during DEBUG mode should be controlled using the SVDCLK.DBRUN bit.
The CLK_SVD3 supply to SVD3 is suspended when the CPU enters DEBUG mode if the SVDCLK.DBRUN bit = 0.
After the CPU returns to normal mode, the CLK_SVD3 supply resumes. Although SVD3 stops operating when the
CLK_SVD3 supply is suspended, the registers retain the status before DEBUG mode was entered.
If the SVDCLK.DBRUN bit = 1, the CLK_SVD3 supply is not suspended and SVD3 will keep operating in DE-
BUG mode.
9.4 Operations
9.4.1 SVD3 Control
Starting detection
SVD3 should be initialized and activated with the procedure listed below.
1. Write 0x0096 to the MSCPROT.PROT[15:0] bits. (Remove system protection)
2. Configure the operating clock using the SVDCLK.CLKSRC[1:0] and SVDCLK.CLKDIV[2:0] bits.
3. Set the following SVDCTL register bits:
- SVDCTL.VDSEL and SVDCTL.EXSEL bits (Select detection voltage (V
, EXSVD0, or EXSVD1))
- SVDCTL.SVDSC[1:0] bits
(Set low power supply voltage detection counter)
- SVDCTL.SVDC[4:0] bits
(Set SVD detection voltage V
/EXSVD detection
voltage V
- SVDCTL.SVDRE[3:0] bits
(Select reset/interrupt mode)
- SVDCTL.SVDMD[1:0] bits
(Set intermittent operation mode)
4. Set the following bits when using the interrupt:
- Write 1 to the SVDINTF.SVDIF bit.
(Clear interrupt flag)
- Set the SVDINTE.SVDIE bit to 1.
(Enable SVD3 interrupt)
5. Set the SVDCTL.MODEN bit to 1.
(Enable SVD3 detection)
6. Write a value other than 0x0096 to the MSCPROT.PROT[15:0] bits. (Set system protection)
Terminating detection
Follow the procedure shown below to stop SVD3 operation.
1. Write 0x0096 to the MSCPROT.PROT[15:0] bits. (Remove system protection)
2. Write 0 to the SVDCTL.MODEN bit.
(Disable SVD3 detection)
3. Write a value other than 0x0096 to the MSCPROT.PROT[15:0] bits. (Set system protection)
Reading detection results
The following two detection results can be obtained by reading the SVDINTF.SVDDT bit:
• When SVDINTF.SVDDT bit = 0
Power supply voltage (V
or EXSVD0/1)
SVD detection voltage V
or EXSVD detection voltage V
• When SVDINTF.SVDDT bit = 1
Power supply voltage (V
or EXSVD0/1) < SVD detection voltage V
or EXSVD detection voltage V
Before reading the SVDINTF.SVDDT bit, wait for at least SVD circuit enable response time after 1 is written
to the SVDCTL.MODEN bit (refer to “Supply Voltage Detector Characteristics, SVD circuit enable response
time t
” in the “Electrical Characteristics” chapter).
After the SVDCTL.SVDC[4:0] bits setting value is altered to change the SVD detection voltage V
detection voltage V
when the SVDCTL.MODEN bit = 1, wait for at least SVD circuit response time
before reading the SVDINTF.SVDDT bit (refer to “Supply Voltage Detector Characteristics, SVD circuit re-
sponse time t
” in the “Electrical Characteristics” chapter).