“Checking the Print Results with a Wide Color Gamut Profile in Advance on the Screen” on page 38
Matching your print results to the display colors in the image processing software
If you want to print the display colors that you adjusted with the image processing software as they are, or if you are
printing profile-embedded data, use the following procedure to unify the input color settings for the RIP and the
settings for the image processing software.
“Matching Your Print Results to the Display Colors in the Image Processing Software” on page 39
Checking the Print Results with a Wide Color Gamut Profile in Advance
on the Screen
In this section we explain how to change the preview display colors for the print data without changing the settings for
Working Spaces to check the print results. The examples used in following explanation are when using Adobe
Illustrator CC(2015) in Windows 7.
When selecting the input profile you want in step 4, you can also check the print results if you have set the profile in the RIP
you are using to something other than EpsonWideCMYK_Ver2.
Right click the Epson special profile for wide color gamut printing (EpsonWideCMYK_Ver2.icc) that is in the
following folder. Select
%PUBLIC%¥Documents¥Epson¥Control Dashboard¥Profile
Epson Manual for RIP Printing (ONYX RIP)