PSB No: S-0098
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Q. Can I install a Math- Coprocessor chip and what type do I need?
A. A Math- Coprocessor chip is an option which speeds up the floating point
math functions used in many spreadsheet and math - intensive software
applications. It can be purchased at electronic parts retailers and computer
stores (Epson America Inc. does not supply them).
An Intel (8MHZ)
80287-8 Math- Coprocessor chip, is recommended for use with the APEX
200 computer.
The Math-Coprocessor chip is installed in the socket
provided at I.C. location 5C on the APEX 200 system board. The system
must be configured for the Math- Coprocessor option in SETUP.
Q. Where can I get application software for the APEX 200 computer?
A. You can use virtually all software programs written for the IBM PC/AT
Make sure the system requirements on the software package
match your computer configuration and video adapter type. Software is
available through Epson Accessories, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 873- 7766, or at your
local software store.
Q. Is the APEX 200 compatible with MS-OS/2?
A. Since OS/2 is much more hardware - specific than MS - DOS, the Epson
version of MS - OS/2 is required (available from Epson dealers).
A minimum of 2MB of RAM memory is required to run MS-OS/2.
Q. Will IBM compiled BASIC programs run on the APEX 200?
Most BASIC programs written for the IBM PC- XT will run on the APEX
200. Some IBM and Tandy BASIC programs will not run. This is because
they require IBM BASICA which is resident in copyrighted ROMs.
compatibles use a version of GW - BASIC which is loaded from diskette.
Due to differences in the BASIC, some programs will not operate correctly.
Q. Can I use the APEX Monochrome Monitor (Model # AP1040) with other
IBM PC - compatible computers?
A. The Apex 12” Monochrome monitor (Model AP - 1040) uses a TTL video
signal which is IBM PC - compatible and can be used with other computers
that have a monochrome TTL video board. It should not be confused,
however, with the earlier Apex composite video monochrome monitor (Model
# AP - 1010A) which is not compatible with the APEX 200 video board.