We do not recommend installations in loft areas due to the weight of the tank and the increased
potential for damage in the event of a water leak or spillage. If the system must be installed
above ceiling level, it is highly recommended to use drip trays/bunded tank with the added
protection of an insulated jacket. Sound also travels very well through rafters and it is likely
that such an installation will be noisy compared to an installation on solid ground. Installations
higher than the mains water stop tap will reduce the refill rate of the tank.
1. The Multiboost should be installed in a dry, well ventilated and frost free area where it is not
exposed to extreme temps. An ambient temperature of <20 °C is required to limit or reduce
bacteria growth. Multiboost may be located outdoors if in a weatherproof, frost and rodent
proof enclosure with adequate ventilation especially during warm weather
2. All pipe work that is exposed to freezing condition should be fully protected
3. Multiboost installation must be positioned properly for ease of access for examination and
service for compliance with health and safety practice
4. EPS offer adequate facilities (Bunded Tank/Drip Tray) and protection from water damage in
the immediate location of the Multiboost
5. 1L of water = 1kg weight and the weight of the storage tank also. Please check load bearing
6. There should be adequate lighting for service to be carried out safely
7. Where a Multiboost product is installed, it should be signed off by an approved engineer
and/or plumber/installer ensuring that the unit is installed in an appropriate location and
has all appropriate and required overflows and protections in place and all of our guidelines
and recommendations have been considered. Please refer to Commissioning Checklist.
Foundation & Mounting
Multiboost must be mounted on a solid foundation to support the weight of the unit. Surfaces
must be flat and level to spread weight load evenly. The recommended surface for Multiboost
is concrete plinth or floor. As previously stressed, EPS does not recommend installation of
Multiboost on wooden structures due the natural noise and vibration levels that travel along
it. When a pump is submerged in liquid, you are no longer dealing with decibel levels, but with
vibration levels. Please take the positioning of your Multiboost and the surrounding environment
into account.
Storage Tank
Multiboost is a cold water storage tank and must be installed in accordance with current
regulations. The quality of water in the storage tank should be potable and suitable for drinking.
However, it should be noted that the quality of stored water deteriorates over time if ambient
temperature is greater than 20 degrees Celsius (>20 °C). If the tank has been left idle for a length
of time, it is recommended that it is completely drained. At temperatures above 20 °C, the use of
a disinfection system (such as UV) is highly recommended.
Slave Tank & Bypass
EPS can provide an additional slave tank to cater for additional cold water storage demand and
they can be linked together. This allows for an increase in storage tank capacity for extra demand
that may occur. In the unlikely event of a Multiboost failure, it is recommended to install cold
water mains bypass to allow the water supply continue, at a reduced pressure, to the property.
This ensures a low pressure supply is available at all times while the unit is being repaired. The
bypass must be installed in accordance with the water bylaw regulations. The bypass should be
drained to prevent water stagnation if it is not being used.
Installation Guide
Installation Best Practice