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EPS Stromversorgung GmbH
Alter Postweg 101 • 86159 Augsburg
Fon: +49 821 / 570451-0
Fax: +49 821 / 570451-25
PSI 9000 2U Series
Connection of remote sensing
Both pins „NC“ of the Sense connector must not be wired!
Mind the electric strength of the sense cables, especially with models of ≥ 500 V rating!
Remote sensing is only effective during constant voltage operation (CV) and for other regulation
modes the sense input should be disconnected, if possible, because connecting it generally
increases the oscillation tendency
The cross section of the sense cables is noncritical. However, it should be increased with
increasing cable length. Recommendation: for cables up to 5 m use at least 0.5 mm²
Sense cables should be twisted and laid close to the DC cables to damp oscillation. If neces
sary, an additional capacitor should be installed at the load/consumer to eliminate oscillation
The sense cables must be con to + and - to - at the load, otherwise both systems
may be damaged
In master-slave operation, the remote sensing should be connected to the master unit only
Figure 7 - Example for remote sensing wiring