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OS Select For DRAM > 64MB: Some operating systems require special handling.
Use this option only if your system has greater than 64MB of memory.
The default is Non-OS2.
OS2: Select this if you are running the OS/2 operating system with greater
than 64MB of RAM.
Non-OS2: Select this for all other operating systems and configurations.
Video BIOS Shadow: This option allows video BIOS to be copied into RAM.
Video Shadowing will increase the video performance of your system.
The default is Enabled.
Enabled: Video shadow is enabled.
Disabled: Video shadow is disabled.
C8000 - CBFFF Shadow:
CC000 - CFFFF Shadow:
D0000 - D3FFF Shadow:
D4000 - D7FFF Shadow:
D8000 - DBFFF Shadow:
DC000 - DFFFF Shadow:
These categories determine whether ROMs from option cards will be copied into
RAM. This will be in 16K byte or 32K byte units, and the size will depend on chipset
of the option card.
Enabled: Optional shadow is enabled.
Disabled: Optional shadow is disabled.