Quick Power On Self Test:
This category speeds up Power On Self Test (POST)
after you power on the computer. If it is set to Enable, BIOS will shorten or skip
some check items during POST. The default is Enabled.
Enable quick POST.
Normal POST.
Boot Sequence:
This category determines which drive is searched first for the O/S
(Operating System). Default value is A, C, SCSI. The following is your list of options.
[A, C, SCSI]-[C, A, SCSI]-[C, CDROM, A]-[CDROM, C, A]-[D, A, CDROM]
[E, A, CDROM]-[F, A, CDROM]-[SCSI, A, C]-[SCSI C, A]-[C Only], [LS/ZIP, C]
System will first search for floppy disk drive then hard disk drive.
System will first search for hard disk drive then floppy disk drive.
System will first search for the CDROM drive (If the CDROM has a
bootable CD title.) and second search hard disk drive then flopp
disk drive.
System will first search for the hard disk drive and second search
the CDROM drive (If the CDROM has a bootable CD title.) then
floppy disk drive.
Swap Floppy Drive:
This will swap your physical drive letters A & B if you are using
two floppy disks. Default value is Disabled.
Floppy A & B are able to swap under DOS.
Floppy A & B are not able to swap.
Boot Up Floppy Seek:
During Power-On-Self-Test (POST), BIOS will determine if the
floppy disk drive installed is 40 or 80 tracks. Only is 360K type 40 tracks while 760K,
1.2M and 1.44M are all 80 tracks. The default value is Enabled.
BIOS searches for floppy disk drive to determine if it is 40 or 80 tracks,
Note that BIOS cannot tell from 720K, 1.2M or 1.44M drive type as
they are all 80 tracks.
BIOS will not search for the type of floppy disk drive by track number.
Note that there will not be any warning message if the drive installed
is 360K.
Boot Up NumLock Status:
Control the state of the Numlock key when the system
boots. The default value is On.
Keypad is number keys.
Keypad is arrow keys.
Boot UP System Speed
: Select Hight to boot at the default CPU speed; select Low to
boot at the speed of the AT bus.
: Set the speed to high.
: Set the speed to low.
Gate A20 Option
This refers to the way the system addresses memory above 1MB
(extended memory). The default value is Fast.
The A20 signal is controlled by keyboard controller or chipset hardware.
The A20 signal is controlled by Port 92 or chipset specific method.